Damaged bodies are accusers - demonstrate a healthy body to prove your brother's innocence

Tuesday, Dec 04, 2018 1015 words 4 mins 30 secs
An A Course in Miracles Blog  © 2018 Paul West



Here is the passage which definitively explains that if you show a damaged, broken, sick, defective, disabled, ill, corrupt, dead, or in any way unhealthy body to your brother, YOU HAVE NOT FORGIVEN HIM. "A miracle of healing proves separation is without effect". The EFFECTS have to be CANCELLED, otherwise you are STILL condemning. This literally means that you MUST HEAL YOUR BODY in order to prove to your brother that you have forgiven him. It's not enough to just "do it in your head." You are to DEMONSTRATE a picture of immortality, not a picture of crucifixion.

From "The fear of healing"... (shitloads of fear around this for most people)

"Is healing frightening? To many, yes. For accusation is a bar to love, and DAMAGED BODIES ARE ACCUSERS. They stand firmly in the way of trust and peace, PROCLAIMING that the frail can HAVE no trust, and that the damaged HAVE no grounds for peace. Who has been injured BY his brother, and could love and trust him still? He HAS attacked, and will attack again. Protect him not, because YOUR DAMAGED BODY SHOWS THAT YOU MUST BE PROTECTED FROM HIM. To forgive may be an act of charity, but NOT his due. He may be PITIED for his guilt, but NOT exonerated. And if you forgive him his transgressions, you but ADD to all the guilt that he has really earned.

The unhealed CANNOT pardon. For they are the WITNESSES that pardon is unfair. THEY WOULD RETAIN THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE GUILT THEY OVERLOOK. Yet no-one CAN forgive a sin which he believes is real. And WHAT HAS CONSEQUENCES MUST BE REAL, because WHAT IT HAS DONE IS THERE TO SEE. Forgiveness is NOT pity, which but seeks to pardon what it knows to be the truth. Good cannot BE returned for evil, for forgiveness does not first ESTABLISH sin, and THEN forgive it. Who can say and MEAN, "My brother, you have injured me, and yet, because I am the BETTER of the two, I pardon you my hurt." HIS pardon and YOUR hurt can NOT exist together. One DENIES the other, and MUST make it false.

To witness sin and yet forgive it is a paradox which reason cannot see. For it maintains what has been done to you DESERVES no pardon. And, by GIVING it, you grant your brother mercy, but retain THE PROOF HE IS NOT **REALLY** INNOCENT. THE SICK REMAIN ACCUSERS. They cannot forgive their brothers AND themselves as well. For no-one in whom true forgiveness reigns CAN suffer. HE HOLDS NOT THE PROOF OF SIN BEFORE HIS BROTHERS EYES. And thus he MUST have overlooked it, and removed it from his own. Forgiveness CANNOT be for one, and not the other. Who forgives IS HEALED. And IN HIS HEALING LIES THE PROOF that he has TRULY pardoned, and RETAINS NO TRACE OF CONDEMNATION THAT HE STILL WOULD HOLD AGAINST HIMSELF OR ANY LIVING THING.

FORGIVENESS IS NOT REAL UNLESS IT BRINGS A HEALING TO BOTH YOUR BROTHER AND YOURSELF. YOU must attest his sins HAD NO EFFECT on YOU, to DEMONSTRATE they were not real. HOW ELSE COULD HE BE GUILTLESS? And how COULD his innocence be justified UNLESS his sins have no effect to WARRANT guilt? Sins are beyond forgiveness just BECAUSE they would entail effects which CANNOT be undone and overlooked entirely. In their UNDOING LIES THE PROOF that they were merely errors. LET yourself be healed, that you may be forgiving, offering salvation to your brother AND yourself. A BROKEN BODY SHOWS THE MIND HAS **NOT** BEEN HEALED. A miracle of healing PROVES that separation is WITHOUT effect.

WHAT YOU WOULD PROVE TO HIM YOU WILL BELIEVE. The power of witness COMES from your belief. And EVERYTHING YOU SAY OR DO or think but testifies to what you teach to him. YOUR BODY CAN BE MEANS TO TEACH THAT IT HAS NEVER SUFFERED PAIN BECAUSE OF HIM. And IN ITS HEALING can it offer him MUTE TESTIMONY TO HIS INNOCENCE. IT IS THIS TESTIMONY THAT CAN SPEAK WITH POWER GREATER THAN A THOUSAND TONGUES. FOR HERE HIS FORGIVENESS IS **PROVED** TO HIM. A miracle can offer nothing LESS to him than it has given unto you. So does YOUR HEALING (mind AND body) SHOW your mind is healed, and has forgiven what he did NOT do. And so is HE CONVINCED his innocence was never lost, and healed along with you.

Thus does the miracle undo all things THE WORLD ATTESTS CANNOT BE UNDONE. AND HOPELESSNESS AND DEATH MUST DISAPPEAR before the ancient clarion call of life. This call has POWER FAR BEYOND the weak and miserable cry of death and guilt. The ancient Calling of the Father to His Son, and of the Son unto his own, will yet be the last trumpet that the world will ever hear. Brother, there is no death. And this you learn when you but wish to SHOW YOU BROTHER that you had no hurt of him. He thinks your blood is on his hands, and so he stands condemned. But it is given you to SHOW him, by your healing (physically), that his guilt is but the fabric of a senseless dream.

How just are miracles! For they bestow an equal gift of FULL DELIVERANCE from guilt upon your brother AND yourself. YOUR healing saves HIM pain, as well as you. And YOU are healed BECAUSE you wished him well. This is the law the miracle obeys: That healing sees no specialness at all. It does NOT come from pity, but from love. And love would prove ALL suffering is but a vain imagining, a foolish wish, ***WITH NO EFFECTS***. YOUR HEALTH is a result of your desire to see your brother with no blood upon his hands, nor guilt upon his heart made heavy with the PROOF of sin. And what you wish is GIVEN you to see."

(See also "Only the mind AND BODY need atonement.")

Link to: https://www.miraculousliving.com/blogs/a-course-in-miracles-blog/damaged-bodies-are-accusers-demonstrate-a-healthy-body-to-prove-your-brothers-innocence


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