A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West
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ACIM Articles about Healing

AcceptanceAtonementAtonement planBodyChristDeathEarth world hellForgivenessGuiltHealth and sicknessHoly spiritIdentityIllusionsImmortalityLearningLightLoss lack and needLoveMindMiraclesOnenessPowerPrayerProjectionRelationshipsResurrectionSalvationSeparationSharingSons of godSufferingTeachingTruth

140. Do you have healing to give?

Sunday, Feb 09, 2025 735 words 3 mins 15 secs

Miracles assert only life. That there is nothing wrong. There is only innocence and wholeness.

"The perceptual content of miracles is wholeness."

Basically, the only way there can be a healing of any real kind, is if something which...

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139. Dealing with grief and loss

Saturday, Jul 13, 2024 2101 words 9 mins 20 secs

All sense of loss arises from believing that a changing world is real. If it is real, and if something goes away, a part of reality has been lost. If it is real, there has been a real separation. And...

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138. Stop fighting against death if you want to undo it

Friday, Jun 28, 2024 2225 words 9 mins 53 secs

"God made not death. Whatever form it takes must therefore be illusion. This the stand we take today. And it is given us to look past death and see the life beyond."

You can say that death is bad,...

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137. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher and Therapist

Friday, Dec 29, 2023 780 words 3 mins 28 secs

How about we think of it this way. You suck. So you need help. Or more to the point, you don't know where you are, what you are, how you got here, what to do, what anything is, what...

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136. A forgiveness prayer for the sick and dying

Monday, Oct 16, 2023 1071 words 4 mins 45 secs

If a person is sick, God is a murderer.

If the sickness exists, if it has reality, it has been created, then it must have been created by God.

Only what God creates is real, or exists, or...

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135. Miracle working requires joining minds

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 507 words 2 mins 15 secs

"***UNITING with a brother's mind prevents the CAUSE of sickness, and perceived effects***. ***Healing is the effect of minds that join***, as sickness comes from minds that separate. The miracle does nothing just because the minds ARE joined, and...

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134. We don't love or heal alone

Tuesday, Aug 08, 2023 627 words 2 mins 47 secs

In this world we've all heard the statement "I love you". This is usually from one person to another one person. Also this is not usually true unconditional love, and is most often special love.

This is an...

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133. The separation is a split in your mind

Friday, May 19, 2023 493 words 2 mins 11 secs

1. "The Separation is merely another term for a split mind."

So the so-called "separation from God" or "being separate" or "believing in separation" is in YOUR mind, in the form of YOUR mind being SPLIT. It splits by...

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132. Choosing resurrection over death

Saturday, Apr 22, 2023 1479 words 6 mins 34 secs1 comments

I've been through a lot of crap in which I've had to deal with medical issues for my wife. She's been close to death's door a couple of times. I had to literally decide whether to continue her life or...

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131. The need for miracles of healing

Saturday, Apr 22, 2023 1738 words 7 mins 43 secs

Forgiveness is a state of mind in which you recognize that there is nothing that NEEDS forgiving. It is a recognition in which you know there is no sin, sin is impossible, attack is impossible, so nothing can have...

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130. Holy relationship beyond the body

Monday, Apr 17, 2023 945 words 4 mins 12 secs

You may notice that all the times you refer to someone, you refer to their body almost exclusively. You barely have a notion of the person that doesn't in some way involve their body. You might even be surprised...

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129. The cure for all sickness

Thursday, Apr 13, 2023 1257 words 5 mins 35 secs

"Atonement heals with certainty, and cures all sickness."

"The body can be healed as an effect of true forgiveness. Only that can give remembrance of immortality, which is the gift of holiness and love."

Sounds like we need to...

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128. Do not allow your brother to be sick

Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023 1528 words 6 mins 47 secs

I’ll say this straight and try not to be too insensitive.

If someone is sick they are deceived. All sickness is an illusion. Death is a lie. If someone seems to be sick, they are lying. Sickness is dishonesty...

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127. Moving into the light to perform miracles

Friday, Mar 31, 2023 1954 words 8 mins 41 secs

"The miracle-worker begins by PERCEIVING light, and translates HIS perception into sureness by continually extending it, and ACCEPTING ITS ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Its EFFECTS assure him IT IS THERE. The therapist does not heal; he LETS HEALING BE. HE can point to...

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126. The goal of life

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 1184 words 5 mins 15 secs

"But to the Holy Spirit, the goal is life, which HAS no end."

The Holy Spirit's goal is eternal life and immortality. That means everything he is doing is working towards the complete resurrection of the entire sonship back to...

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125. The two categories

Tuesday, Mar 07, 2023 760 words 3 mins 22 secs

After a while you realize that many things are really the same thing. And there are really only two categories of things. There's what's real, and what isn't. Love/life and its opposite - a seeming lack of love/life.


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124. The Holy Spirit is the idea of healing

Wednesday, Mar 01, 2023 487 words 2 mins 9 secs

"The Holy Spirit is the IDEA of healing."

"Healing does not come DIRECTLY from God, who knows His Creations as perfectly whole."

"But healing is nevertheless OF God, because it proceeds from His Voice and from His laws."


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123. Your thoughts influence people

Wednesday, Mar 01, 2023 477 words 2 mins 7 secs

I had a dream last night where I seemed to be teaching someone about using the mind to heal.

This woman and her husband were in a hospital where their daughter was in the bed. She had some problem...

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122. Forgiving random strangers

Friday, Feb 24, 2023 909 words 4 mins 2 secs1 comments

You might think that, you only need to perform a forgiveness when something seems upsetting, something goes wrong, someone is attacking, or there's a problem.

In particular the ego in us might seem "partly committed" to forgiveness, willing to...

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121. Forgiveness is a service

Friday, Feb 24, 2023 765 words 3 mins 24 secs

Let's redefine forgiveness, to be less about me fixing up what I'm projecting or trying to fix my own suffering, and more to do with whether I am GIVING love or not. Let's think of it not JUST as...

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