You CAN change the world with your mind
"Projection makes perception; the world you see is what you GAVE it, nothing more than that."
"The world you see but shows you how much joy YOU have allowed yourself to see in you, and to accept as YOURS. And, if this IS its meaning, then the power to GIVE it joy MUST lie WITHIN you."
This 'projecting' is all to do with what you GIVE to the world. If you project out sin/attack/hate etc you will SEE it. If you project out JOY, HOLINESS, PEACE, you will SEE IT. "As a man thinketh, so does he perceive."
"Therefore, seek not to change the world, but will to change your mind ABOUT the world. Perception is a RESULT, and not a cause."
"Change but your mind on what you want to see, and all the world must change accordingly. Ideas leave not their source. "
Note here that perception DOES NOT CAUSE WHAT YOU SEE. Perception has nothing to do with outward projecting or causing. Perception is a RECEIPT of what you PROJECTED. It is the PROJECTING, that in fact, needs correcting, if you are to THEN perceive a more forgiven world! This is widely misunderstood and all the emphasis is placed incorrectly on perception, rather than the correction of or power over what you PUT THERE. Your perception DOES NOT determine what is out there. It only registers what's there, AFTER you have PROJECTED IT.
Notice that it also says seek NOT to change the world. BUT, it goes on to say that if you do change your mind, ALL THE WORLD MUST CHANGE. It means ONLY to focus on the CAUSE of what PUT THE STUFF OUT THERE, fixing your mind so that you fix your PROJECTING, so that you will perceive differently. And your projecting will MAKE a different world.
"Let THIS be changed, and nothing in the world but MUST be changed as well."
"What YOU have made can always be changed, because when you do not think LIKE God, you have not really thought at all."
"The idea for today introduces the thought that you are not trapped in the world you see, because its cause can be changed."
"Nor will the CAUSE be changed by seeing it APART from its effects. The cause PRODUCES the effects, which then bear witness to the CAUSE, and NOT themselves."
"You can change form, BECAUSE it is not true. It could not be reality, BECAUSE it can be changed. Reason will tell you that, if form is not reality, it must be an illusion, and is not THERE to see."
"The miracle is proof he is not bound by loss or suffering in any form, because it can so easily be CHANGED. This demonstrates that it was never real, and could not stem from his reality. For that is changeless, and has no effects which anything in Heaven or on earth could ever alter. But appearances are shown to be unreal BECAUSE they change."
You absolutely definitely CAN CHANGE THE WORLD OF FORM, with your mind. You can PROJECT a different form. You can MAKE a different world. And you can THEN perceive it. In fact you are supposed to use MIRACLES to demonstrate that illusions/forms/appearances/bodies etc CAN BE CHANGED, as a way to demonstrate that they MUST BE NOT REAL, BECAUSE they could be changed. Nothing real can be changed, and changing illusions is a way to use them as a teaching device to SHOW that they ARE illusions.
This is why e.g Jesus turned a tree branch into a snake and back, to show that he has mastery over forms and forms are illusions.
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