42. We have to admit something has gone wrong
We do not want to LOOK AT the fact that there is a NEED for healing. We actually are in denial that something HAS gone wrong, and that healing is necessary. And instead we have covered it up with...
We do not want to LOOK AT the fact that there is a NEED for healing. We actually are in denial that something HAS gone wrong, and that healing is necessary. And instead we have covered it up with...
This sounds like a tall order, but ACIM is saying we should not in any way be at the effect of the world. It should not do anything to us. We should regard other people as having not done...
You can’t solve a problem by staying within the SYSTEM or level in which the problem seems to exist.
In ego terms, in intellectual terms, we’ll have a great many questions. We do not recognize what these questions are...
In the very big picture, this is what ACIM is getting at. This entire world does not exist. No bodies, no planet, no sun, no galaxies, no spacetime, no events, no happenings, no consequences. It is all nothing. Only...
God is aware that we are sleeping because he is also aware that we are not properly communicating with him. That's why he created the Holy Spirit. He couldn't and wouldn't have created the Holy Spirit without KNOWING that...
Why do we try to keep bodies from dying? This is a very deep question. ACIM tells us we are immortal beings, incapable of sickness or death. That God has created us to live forever, because nothing real can...
Very often, Jesus would say to me, "it's fine". And I would be like, "how is this fine?" I would be upset about something, there'd be some physical medical issue to deal with, some seeming tragic loss, something going wrong....
"What difference does the content of a dream make in reality? One either sleeps or wakens. There is nothing in between."
I thought it was interesting in lesson 140 - only salvation can be said to cure - talking...
We only have what God has given to us in our creation, and what we have created with him. We have nothing else. Nor do we have anything which belongs exclusively to ourselves alone, something unshared or something that...
False perception is exclusive vision. It sees only a small part of what there is to see, excluding the rest. It is blinded by form and appearance and cannot see past the surface of an illusory world. It has covered...
I'm trying at the moment to get a better handle on how various MIRACLE WORKERS have been able to achieve their states of mind, and gain access to true miracle working power.
Most of these miracle workers are Christians...
"The ego is nothing more than a PART of your belief about yourselves. Your other life has continued without interruption, and has been and always will be totally unaffected by your attempts to dissociate (separate)."
"Ego" is just a...
Sometimes Jesus will say that both your positive and your negative feelings about the body or the world are detrimental. This can seem confusing because you might think only the negative stuff is a problem. And most people focus on...
The repurposing of the body and the world that we made, is ONLY for the sole purpose of UNDOING it. The Holy Spirit's sole function is to take us OUT OF IT and return us to heaven. God simply...
In our default ego react-to-the-world mode, it seems that how we feel is dictated by what happens. The "hierarchy of illusions" tells us that something has a given amount of importance or seriousness and that we should have an...
What A Course in Miracles calls "the separation", was a rejection of reality. We denied what was real and blocked our awareness of it. We lost touch with reality and forgot what it was like.
"The separation is merely a...
"You, then, have two conflicting evaluations of yourself in your minds, and they CANNOT BOTH BE TRUE. You do not yet realize how COMPLETELY different these evaluations are, because you do not understand how lofty the Holy Spirit's perception...
I recently seemed to come full circle with the course. And I mean, right back to the very beginning.
I found myself in states of false perception, looking at the world and its hellish ways. There was "tolerance for...
The ego is a state of insanity, in which what is true and false are completely confused with each other. In ego we have conditional love. We believe that some things are just downright evil, guilty, bad and wrong....
One thing has been a constant throughout your whole life. You have always been you alone. You have always been a separate person, autonomous within the confines of a body, and not once has there been anyone in there...