2172. The higher perspective
Time to get your mind out of the gutter?
"Eternity is an idea of God, so the soul understands it perfectly. Time is a belief of the ego, so the lower mind, which IS the ego's domain, accepts it without...
Time to get your mind out of the gutter?
"Eternity is an idea of God, so the soul understands it perfectly. Time is a belief of the ego, so the lower mind, which IS the ego's domain, accepts it without...
Moving out of victimhood towards empowerment requires a radical shift in perspective. The victim mindset always involves a sense of separation from others. In this mode, your mind assigns certain things to them, and not to you. They're the...
"Father, I come to You through Him Who is Your Son and my true Self as well. Amen."
"To be alive and not to know yourself is to believe that you are really dead. For what is life except...
"Exclude ANY part of the Kingdom FROM yourself, and you are NOT whole." Bodies suggest that you are exclusively isolated and separate from other bodies. That you are "only you", and "not them". This is the complete opposite of...
In the very big picture, this is what ACIM is getting at. This entire world does not exist. No bodies, no planet, no sun, no galaxies, no spacetime, no events, no happenings, no consequences. It is all nothing. Only...
The world appears to have a huge amount of stuff to offer you, things to get, somewhere to go, places to see, accomplishment to be made etc.. But. .... there is nothing in the world that you really want,...
In ACIM Jesus warns us against mind-wandering, ie allowing your mind to just go wherever it seems to go with no sense of choosing or spiritual responsibility.
I've found myself mind-wandering about grief recently, causing a lot of upsets....
Physical objects are forms, taking on one form or another, to produce a range of forms. Some of them we call life forms. Others we might call lifeless forms, forms of materials, forms of objects etc.
The body's eyes...
The physical world is a world of forms, and forms are blinding and deceptive. All objects appear to be set apart by their differences, and claim they exclude the rest. Exclusion is separation, and all objects are at war.
The idea of death was made as the opposite of the idea of God. The separation from God was total opposition to God's nature. It's an assertion that God does not exist, blotted out and dead.
Whatever attributes God has,...
All sense of loss arises from believing that a changing world is real. If it is real, and if something goes away, a part of reality has been lost. If it is real, there has been a real separation. And...
"This is a course in cause, not effect."
"The power to work miracles belongs to you."
In order to awaken spiritually, we have to take total responsibility for everything we experience. This is based on the core truth that...
Guilt holds the potential for sickness, but projection of that guilt through anger, as an attack, is what produces the sickness in the body. "Sickness is anger taken out upon the body."
"Sickness ... is but another form of...
"God made not death. Whatever form it takes must therefore be illusion. This the stand we take today. And it is given us to look past death and see the life beyond."
You can say that death is bad,...
"You are NOT limited by the body, and thought CANNOT be made flesh. But mind can be manifested through the body if it goes beyond it and DOES NOT INTERPRET IT AS LIMITATION. Whenever you see another as limited...
I've seen recently a new perspective on the healing of self and others.
I noticed that as I was helping a person to realise that they had been hurting themselves, that they were making themselves guilty, and that they...
Since my wife "died" in January, my perspective on this world and the body, sickness and death has changed drastically.
My wife (her body) was afflicted with various disabilities and medical conditions for over 12 years. For the past 4...
"And thus they see in you their holiness, saluting you as savior and as God."
Sometimes we like to think that we are God. But then we start to feel that this tempts the ego and is arrogant and wrong....
God is aware that we are sleeping because he is also aware that we are not properly communicating with him. That's why he created the Holy Spirit. He couldn't and wouldn't have created the Holy Spirit without KNOWING that...
Why do we try to keep bodies from dying? This is a very deep question. ACIM tells us we are immortal beings, incapable of sickness or death. That God has created us to live forever, because nothing real can...